
Political Behavior

Thiago Silva & João Camargos. 2025. The Substantive Nature of Mass Ideology in Brazil. Opinião Pública. [Reproduction Materials]

Joscimar Silva, Helcimara Telles, João Camargos & Nerea García. 2025. Turmoil in Latin American Democracy and Changes in the Public Opinion. In: Public Opinion and Turmoil In Latin American Democracies, Springer Nature.

Silvana Krause, João Camargos & Rafael Fonseca. 2025. Population Aging and Dissatisfaction with Democracy: Evidence from a 2-level model in Latin America. In: Public Opinion and Turmoil In Latin American Democracies, Springer Nature.

Telles, Helcimara, João Camargos, Nayla Lopes & Josê Angelo Machado. 2024 Fellings, Denyalism, President Trust and the Perception of the COVID-19 Pandemic, In: Covid-19 no Brasil - algumas contribuições sobre a (des)coordenação e Opinião pública, PROCAD. In Portuguese.

Camargos, João. 2023. Beliefs and Emotions in Brazilian Politics: Bolsonaro’s Government Evaluation and Religious Feelings in Minas Gerais State LSE upr, v. 6.

Research Methodology

Camargos, João, João Paulo Dellasta & Magno Torquetti. 2024. Psychometric Techniques in Public Opinion Research: Ideoloy mensuration with IRT within polling institutes. Conexão Política. In Portuguese.

Elite Behavior

Cantarino, Victor & João Camargos. (2024) Ideology and foreign policy preferences of Brazilian parliamentarians (2015-2022). Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. In Portuguese.

Telles, Helcimara, Nerea Ramires, Vinicius Alves & João Camargos. 2022. Minas are many: state and macroreional level political systens and political elites, In: Sistema de Partidos, Partidos e Eleições 1998-2018, Tendêcias e dinâmicas na federação brasileira, PUC Goias. In Portuguese.

Political Communication

Baptista, Erica, Nayla Lopes, Claudio Penteado & João Camargos. 2021 Fact or rumor on social media: the battle against fake news In: Eleições Municipais na Pandemia (Brasil 2020), FGV Editora. In Portuguese.

Working in Progress

Measuring ideological polarization in Latin America and its effects on political representation and democratic quality. In Spanish (with João Paulo Dellasta and João Botelho)

The Authoritarian Ideology in the Americas

Exploring information sharing on instant messaging: An analysis of public Brazilian WhatsApp groups pro-Bolsonaro from 2018 to 2023 (with Isabele Mitozo and Camila Mont’alverne)

The Metamorphosis of Antipetism: An stable negative partisanship? (in Portuguese with Silvana Krause, Denise Paiva and Thiago Sampaio)

The impact of data ecosystem in electoral pools: Brazil 2022 (with Malco Camargos)

Other Publications

Helcimara Telles and João Camargos. 2024. Thematic Polarization. In Martinez et al Diccionario enciclopédico de polarización política y emociones. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales. Mº de la Presidencia. In Spanish .