
Professor: Summer/Mini courses

Experiments in Political Science

Mini course on a introduction to causality and experiments within political science at the University of Brasilia (UnB). With Joscimar Silva (UnB)


-First School of Methods at UnB - Experiments (University of Brasilia)

Survey Methodology ABCP

Mini course provided to the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP) on Survey Methodology during the 2022 meeting. With Joscimar Silva (UnB)


Survey Methodology

Mini course provided to the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP) on Survey Methodology during the 2022 meeting. With Joscimar Silva (UnB)



TA at Federal University of Minas Gerais

TA at several courses, including research methods, causal inference and political behavior

2024/1 - DCP134 - Policy Evaluation B. Professor: Felipe Nunes (UFMG)

2022/2 - DCP030 - Brazilian Politics and Elections. Professor: Helcimara Telles (UFMG)

2021/2 - DCP030 - Political Behaviour, Elections and the Representation Crisis. Professor: Helcimara Telles (UFMG)


TA in the course Panel Data Analysis and Diff-in-Diff in the Federal University of Minas Gerais Summer School in Quantitative Methodology. Professor: Igor Viveiros (UFMG)



Grader at UNC at Chapel Hill

  • Spring/2025 - POLI 209 - Analyzing Public Opinion. Professor: Tyler Steelman

  • Fall/2024 - POLI 238 - Politics of the Global South: Latin America. Professor: Caitlin Andrews-Lee